Joseph Zeisky - Master Instructor
A natural born teacher, Master instructor Joseph Zeisky is widely recognized as an effective distiller of the internal martial arts. Gaining recognition in his push hands skills in the late 1980s early 90s, winning various national and international competitions, earned him a respectable place in the Tai Chi community.
Classically trained as a Jeweler and Stone setter through apprenticeship under the tutelage of his Hungarian father, set the foundation of his methodical, creative, attention to fine detail and sensitivity that laid the foundation of his disciplined, approachable and effective teaching style. His students would describe his teaching style as effective, straightforward, detailed and authentic. Through his 40+ years of study of natural medicine, martial arts, qi gong, meditation and Daoism, he created the Zeigua Teaching Method™ as a unique way to bring the Ancient arts to the present needs of his students.
Student Experiences Studying with Joseph
In 2022, Joseph brought his Zeigua Teaching Method™ to partner with Dr. Te-Hsin Lo to create Qi-Practices, LLC. Joseph is the mastermind and producer behind the qi-practices™ platform and vision, as well as the technical force in editing, creating and maintaining the platform’s framework, functionality and presentation. Internally, within the qi-practices™ content creation, he is one of the main content creators that advises on all the information that you see here on the qi-practices™ platform!
Joseph's most Influential Teachers and Mentors of the Creative Arts, Qigong and Internal Martial Arts:
First and foremost his parents! André L. Zeisky and Inés M. Zeisky.
Joseph's Main Teachers of Qigong, Meditation and Internal Martial Arts, in Chronological Order:
Grandmaster Don Kuk Ahn
1984-'86 Cheng Man Ching/Yang Family Style Tai Ji Quan, Taoist Neigong, Qigong and Meditation, Iron Shirt and Qigong Healing, and Qigong-Tuina-Bodywork. Joseph is very grateful to Grandmaster Ahn for providing him a very solid foundation in all aspects of Taichi and Taoist philosophy and for teaching him one of Taichi's most important skills, "Rooting" power.
Sensei Yoshimitsu Yamada
Morihei Ueshiba's Aikido, intensively from 1985-’86 and periodically from '88-’92 at the New York Aikikai. Sensei Yamada, along with his high ranking teachers, provided Joseph with a solid exposure in all the basic aspects of authentic Aikido. On occasion, Joseph likes to drop in to say hello and put on his "Gi" (uniform) to workout with some of his friendly Aikidokas.
Sensei Seiichi Sugano
Morihei Ueshiba's Aikido, intensively 1985-’86 and periodically from '88-’92 at the New York Aikikai. Sugano Sensei's solid build and graceful power always inspired Joseph to pursue the deeper philosophical roots of Aikido. On occasion, Joseph drops by and puts on his "Gi" (uniform) to workout with some of his old friends.
Grandmaster Yu Cheng Hsiang
Joseph with his beloved Taichi and Shaolin Kung Fu teacher and Push-Hands Sparring expert, Grand Master Yu Cheng Hsiang, at his 75th Birthday party in New York City.
Joseph studied with Grandmaster Yu Cheng Hsiang from 1986-’92 and 1994-'96 in: Old Yang & Cheng Man Ching style Taiji Quan, Shaolin Lohan Quan, Shaolin Quan, Shaolin Staff, Buddhist Qigong and Meditation, Taiji Sword, Yin Fu Style Bagua Zhang, Tui Shou (pushing-hands-sparring) and fighting applications. Grandmaster Yu helped Joseph better understand the finer aspects of Chinese martial arts, culture and proper etiquette. By being an amazing living example of open heartedness, discipline, dedication and refined power and skill. Grandmaster Yu inspired everyone who crossed his path. While under Grandmaster Yu's School, Joseph achieved four Grand Championship titles in Tui-Shou San shou (Pushing-Hands Sparring), while competing in National and International Tai Chi Tournaments.
Grandmaster William C. C. Chen
Periodically from 1988-1999 in Tui Shou (pushing-hands). Grandmaster Chen's fighting power is legendary throughout the Chinatowns of the world, quite the "wallop" is delivered from his deceptively looking frame and fists, of which Joseph had the privilege of "feeling" on his occasional visits to his New York City school throughout the years. Grandmaster Chen is one of the most powerful Taichi fighters around, yet surprising demonstrates an uncanny humility, never talking badly about any other teacher or style. Joseph still enjoys dropping by his school to workout with his very vibrant family and dedicated students and to pick-up some finer points on his version of Cheng Man Ching Yang Style Tai Chi form.
Master Kenneth Van Sickle
1988 till his passing in 2024. Master Van Sickle shared with Joseph Taoist Philosophy, Art, Poetry and Literature, Taiji Sword, Cheng Man Ching Yang Style Taiji Quan. Master Van Sickle was an incredible mentor and friend to Joseph since he was a teenager, sharing great stories and lessons from his teacher, the legendary Professor Cheng Man Ching and many other martial arts personalities, which inspired him to pursue teaching the internal martial arts as a career path. And, most importantly, Master Van Sickle always provided Joseph with indispensable sagely advice and moral support throughout the years.
Joseph Zeisky with some of his closest friends, mentors and teachers.
April 1992, New Haven, Connecticut: "Moving to California Party!" Joseph with some of his most cherished mentors and teachers of the internal martial arts. From far left: Master Kenneth Van Sickle, Grandmaster William C.C. Chen, Grandmaster Yu Cheng Hsiang, Master Maggie Newman, Master Steve Bennett, Master Reggie Jackson, and Master Bob Murphy.
Master Bruce Frantzis
Taoist lineage holder Master Bruce Frantzis has taught Joseph the following subjects: Grandmaster Liu Hung Chieh’s Beijing Baguazhang Single Palm Change Form and Circle Walking Meditation, Taoist Water Dissolving Method, Energy Gates Chigung, Spiraling Energy Body Chigung, Heaven and Earth Chigung, Bend the Bow Chigung, Taoist Breathing Methods, Taoist Meditation, Taoist Chigung, Chigung-Tuina Therapeutic Bodywork, Wu Style Taichi Short Form, Xingyi Chuan and Yi Chuan. In 1988, Joseph attended his first Baguazhang workshop with Master Frantzis in New York City. Between 1992-94, Joseph moved to California to train more intensively with Master Frantzis, serving as an assistant instructor in his regular classes held in San Rafael, California. Joseph also trained and studied privately with Master Frantzis at his then home in Fairfax,CA, later becoming a member of Master Frantzis' first group of certified instructors of his Wu Style Tai Chi Short Form, in 1993. After returning to the East coast, Joseph continued to attend Master Frantzis' east coast workshops between 1994-99 and continued to teach aspects of his systems on a semi-private basis. Learning from an authentic Taoist Master like Master Frantzis was a truly life altering experience for which Joseph will forever be thankful!
Master Lo Dexiu
Spring 2002, Taipei Taiwan, Joseph with fellow Bagua enthusiasts, Marilyn Hendricks and the very talented Bagua expert Master Lo Dexiu, his primary Gao Yi Sheng Baguazhang teacher.
Joseph began studying with Master Lo Dexiu in the summer of 2000, attending his weekend seminars in Boulder CO, San Francisco CA and Boston MA. In March of 2002 Joseph ventured out to Asia on a Bagua study sabbatical with the help of some friends. He spent the spring and summer seasons in Taipei, Taiwan training intensively with "Lo Laoshi” (“teacher Lo”) as some of his students and senior disciples affectionately call him. Subjects learned from Lo Laoshi: Gao Yi Sheng Baguazhang, Hebei Xingyi, qigong and meditation. Master Lo is a very powerful and skillful fighter with great physical talents in energy work and precise memory for forms. His deep understanding of the internal arts and obvious dedication to years of daily training are unmistakeable, combined with his animated teaching style and great enthusiasm, made for a truly amazing experience. Through his hands on approach of vigorously touching, grabbing, banging, pushing, throwing and hitting, he could clearly transmit the feeling of the different types of "jins" ("powers/energies"). But, equally enjoyable was Master Lo’s sense of humor and openness, cordiality, generosity and graciousness, going out of his way to make his students feel more at home.
Dr. Marcus Brinkman O.M.D.
Summer 2000, Boulder Colorado, Joseph with Master Marcus Brinkman.
In the fall of 2000, Joseph moved to Boulder Colorado to continue researching and practicing the Gao Yi Sheng Baguazhang system with Master Luo De Xiu's senior most disciple, Dr. Marcus Brinkman O.M.D.
Master Brinkman is a true expert of Qigong, the Internal Martial Arts of Bagua, Hsingyi, Taichi and other Kungfu systems. Fluent in the modern and ancient Chinese language, Master Brinkman is a Scholar and Translator of Chinese Medical & Martial texts, as well as an accomplished Doctor of Chinese Medicine, Acupuncture, Herbs and the art of Pulse Diagnosis. His humble and unassuming manner can easily distracts one from seeing his unique talents in scholarship, teaching, communication skills of esoteric subjects and most fantastically, his impressive fighting skills and performance of sophisticated and very physically demanding forms! His years of dedicated apprenticeships to amazing teachers and masters while in Asia is quite evident, he's a rare gem in the internal arts world. Master Brinkman greatly helped Joseph better understand Master Luo's methods and forms, especially how Chinese medicine principles can be applied to internal martial arts and qigong practices. Subjects learned from Master Marcus Brinkman: Gao Yi Sheng Xiantian (Pre-Heaven) & Houtian (Post-Heaven) Baguazhang, Hebei Xingyiquan, Taijiquan, Qigong, Taoist Meditation and Chinese Medicine Principles, Theory and Application.
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Student Experiences Studying with Joseph
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